Kiinteistö Oy Pikipruukki Fastighets Ab

Kiinteistö Oy Pikipruukki Fastighets Ab is the number one housing company in Vaasa.

The company owns a large variety of well-maintained apartments.

The company's apartment offers and rental level are so good that they even promote the entire city of Vaasa's population growth.

We pay special attention to making our locations comfortable, peaceful and safe places to live. We aim to create high-quality living environments as well as economical and sustainable community structures.

The company's rental operations are run on the principle of break-even costs. This means we are not aiming to make a profit. The apartment rents consist of the interest on the loans taken to build the properties, loan repayment costs, and the property maintenance costs.

The laws that govern our operations include the Limited Liability Companies Act, the Act on State-Subsidized Housing Loans (ARAVA loans), the Act on Residential Leases and the Act on Joint Management of Rental Buildings.

Tenants are selected according to the government's decrees and the guidelines from the Ministry of the Environment.

Residents' activity is an important part of the company administration. Because of this, the residents have great opportunities to influence housing-related matters. For example, rent determination proposals and annual repair programmes are always processed in the residents' meetings or committees, as decreed in the Act on Joint Management of Rental Buildings.

Members of the Board

Somppi Sari, chairman of the board
Hokkanen Pirjo, vice-chairman
Ångerman Johan
Miettinen Arja
Linnarinne Harry
Halme Ritva-Hillevi
Valtonen Esa