
Elisa connecting dates

Here you can find the dates for your house operatorchanges


THE OFFICES NEW OPENING HOURS FROM 1.1.2024   MON 10:00-12:00 and 13:00-15:00 TUE-FRI 9:00-12:00 and 13:00-15:00   First and last working day of the month:...

Divergent opening hours in december 2023

Tuesday 5.12.2023 office open hrs 09:00-12:00  Thursday 14.12.2023 office open hrs 09:00-12:00 and 14:30-16:00 Friday 22.12.2023 the office is closed

Energy awareness week

Energy awareness week 9-15.10.2023

Emergency population warning 29.3.2023 (Melaniemi)

Emergency population warning is given because of smoke spreading in Melaniemi living area. The ventilation in all of our houses in Melaniemi area is shut down at the time being. Follow official...

Elevator and electricity blackout

Here you can read more about using elevators in case of an electricity blackout. 

Divergent opening hours in december

Here you can find our opening hours for christmas week

Borrow a cost control meter

From Pikipruukki you can borrow a cost control meter

Preparing for a power outage

Read more here about preparing for a power outage

Down a degree

The Down a degree campaign starts now

Divergent opening hours in march

The offices divergent openinghours in march 2022: Wednesday   23.3.2022 open hrs 09.00 – 12.00 & 13.00-15.00

Divergent opening hours in december

The offices divergent opening hours in december 2021: Thursday 23.12.2021 closed Friday      31.12.2021 open hours 09.00-12.00

4 tips for saving energy

Here you can find 4 smart tips for saving energy in your home

Enery tips

Energy tips for better sleeping